When we look at the quality of games and the decrease in player population I find that there’s a direct coloration.
I am aware that not everyone use’s steam but it seems to be PGI's main source of advertising which also means it’s most likely to be where new players come from.
It also appears that the peak of the player population was two years ago. However, that’s correlating with the steam release and I question the player retention when I look at the next few charts.
Here is an old chart showing that last year we had an active player population that was shrinking.

So has it become a problem that the solo que has now turned into the same sort thing that once drove everybody away from faction warfare?
In its current state solo que is no different than the previously mention pug stomping 2-12/0-12 game mode. Matchmaking based off player skill rating is not working with the relaxed settings it requires to get groups and find them fast.
I am starting to see that it might be better for player population if PGI just got rid of this PSR/ Tier based matchmaker and went with something that go’s strictly off of win/loss ratio’s alone.
Egalitarian matchmakers like the one used by Blizzard maintains high player populations. From my understanding it basically works like this: When you have 12 people on a team, and I don’t know the exact numbers here; you should have an average w/l ratio of 12.
So going by this let’s say we have a player that has w/l ratio of 4 on one team than they should be paired up with 4 people with a w/l ratio of 0.5. This is also good because it will give more experienced players an opportunity to share what they have learned with people from the community that are either new or struggling.
Maybe we can keep are Tier/PSR ratings to separate 5’s from 1’s but these days you already have a lot of 4’s and 1’s grouped together anyway.
Solo que is not a completive league, it’s just a game and it is a game that costs a lot of money when we compare it to other games currently on the market.
What about people that want to play for stats? Well like in other games there are already more competitive modes in MWO, we even have MRBC.
As a person with 3 accounts now and over 100 mechs I don’t see the leaderboard as anything anyway. Each account has its own stats and to tell you the truth they aren’t even close to each other so it cannot hold much value in being accurate otherwise all accounts would have the same stats. So it could be possible that a pre-determined outcome before the game even starts might be best for marketing.
Don’t get me wrong because I think it’s funny when I have losing streaks. I invite people to come try out MWO when I know the matchmaker sucks and I laugh when they get stomped. I say “but losing is good for you” however it turns out that people don’t think that way. People won’t play this game if all they get are 2-12 losses, much less spend money on it. PGI needs to maintain interest in MWO and the matchmaker is the only way they are going to do that.
An egalitarian matchmaker for solo que is best for the community at this point. All we own are pixels and without the continued interest of both new and active players these pixels are not worth anything without the net code that runs them on PGI’s servers.